Shipping & Payment Information

  • When will my order ship?
    After your payment is verified, it takes up to 24 hours to process and ship your order. This does not include weekends or holidays. Purchases made after 5 pm CET will not be shipped out until the next business day. If you order after 5 pm ECT on a Friday, your order will likely be shipped out on the following Monday. You will receive a Track&Trace e-mail when we ship your watch.
  • Will I have to pay international taxes & duties?
    We charge 21% VAT on all our watches, since we only sell in the EU at the moment. If our international webshop is available, we will arrange international shoppers not to pay VAT. Please note that you will be eligable to pay import duties on your international package.
  • How are taxes and duties calculated?
    On all of our products we charge 21% VAT. This will be shown in your shopping cart.

Order Information & Concerns

Watch Specs

  • How do I change the time on my watch?
    Please check our instruction page "How to adjust the time on my watch?". If you have a watch with day and date function, please check this instruction page.
  • How do I adjust the mesh band on my watch?
    We explain how you can adjust the mesh strap on your Danish Design watch on this page.
  • What type of movement is used?
    We will get back on this as soon as possible!
  • Are Danish Design Watches waterproof?
    All Danish Design watches are waterresistant, but It depends on how much ATM is noted. A watch with 3 ATM is resistant to minor splashing of water, for instance when you wash your hands, a light rain shower or if you sweat during exercise. If your watch is labeled 5 ATM, you can go swimming with it (on the surface of the water) or take a shower (with no large differences in temperature) without taking it of. Diving or snorkeling is not possible. If you want to keep your watch protected, please take it of when you will expose it to water. This way you will be safe and keep your watch in the best shape. If you open up your watch, for instance for changing the battery, please check it's waterresistance thoroughly.
  • What type of leather is used?
    We will get back on this as soon as possible!
  • What is the glass made of?
    Your Danish Design watch is equiped with mineral glass or sapphire glass. Please check the specifications with each watch. Almost all Mineral Glass Watch Crystals nowadays are “Tempered” Mineral Glass. This just means that the surface of the glass is “heat-tempered” (heated to a high temperature), giving the surface of the glass increased scratch resistance and making it less likely to “splinter”. If a mineral crystal is scratched or chipped, then it cannot be polished and “repaired”, it needs to be replaced. A synthetic sapphire crystal or “glass” is actually not glass at all. It is a very hard, transparent material made of crystallizing pure aluminium oxide at very high temperatures. Synthetic sapphire has the same hardness as natural sapphire gemstones, but without the coloring agents that give the gems their various hues. When it is heated, the synthetic sapphire forms round masses, that are then sliced into pieces with diamond-coated saws. These disks are then ground and polished into watch crystals.
  • Why are the hands on my chrono subdials not pointing straight up?
    We will get back on this as soon as possible!
  • Is there any way to care for my watch?
    You can check out our care-page.
  • What type of battery is used?
    We will get back on this as soon as possible!
  • How do I replace my battery?
    Please go to your local Danish Design store to replace a battery. You can try do to it yourself, but you will probably loose the waterresistancy on the watch by opening it up yourself.
  • Where can I get a new watch strap for my Danish Design watch?
    Please go to your local Danish Design store to order a replacement strap. Or go online to order the right watch band. We don't sell watch straps to consumers, you will have to order it through one of our (online) dealers.

Watch Warranty

Other Information